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Motivating Yourself To Live a Healthy Lifestyle

This is the time of year when everyone starts to realize that summer is right around the corner. The realization kicks in that it’s time to transition into eating and moving better if in order to be ready for the upcoming warmer months.

If you are lacking the motivation to begin or even maintain a healthy lifestyle, you are not alone. It’s a struggle that most people face. Even trainers don’t always have a high level of enthusiasm to stay on track. But the end goal has to always be in sight.


  1. Schedule your workouts or training sessions into your calendar. Treat this activity as a mandatory task or responsibility. It is something that has to get done along with your other responsibilities.

  2. Find and "Accountability Buddy". Pick someone you know has similar goals as you. If you're both looking forward to the same thing and have similar struggles, you can help hold each other responsible for slacking off.

  3. Sign up for a major race, class, obstacle course etc These type of activities are not only fun but they serve as a sort of ‘end goal’ for your journey. It helps to have something to look forward to; something that you’re anticipating on performing well for.

  4. Replace one of your meals or snacks with a super healthy meal or snack. More often than not, people tend to want to jump right into crash diets. That is not the way to go. The best way to naturally ease yourself into eating healthier is to actually enjoy your new healthy foods. Take one of your meals or snacks and replace it with something that has all of the nutrients that you need. Once you’re comfortable with that new meal, then you can add another. Before you know it, you’ll be a healthy monster!

  5. Book a celebration trip or vacation. It’s like a prepaid reward. You will already have paid for it. But you know that you have to look good when you go. So it’s sort of a forceful, “throw your hat over the fence and then go get your hat” type of move.

If all else fails and you need someone to give you a play-by-play of what you need to do, hire a trainer or a coach. They’re qualified and specialize in all you would need to get on the right track and stay there!

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